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I am running a Half Marathon in the Runtalya run and am asking for your support for my "100 meters"...

Dear Friends,

For almost 5 years now, I have been supporting the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG* for Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı in Turkish) in various platforms.

TOG  grew in 11 years: 45,000+ young people from 125 university communities reached 300,000+ people through their 1050+ social service projects in 2013 only. As I see the multifold return of the genuine, rational and heartfelt education support for the development of our youth, my belief in the future of our country grows, and this boosts my enthusiasm to support our youth.

This year I will run a HALF MARATHON in the RUNTALYA Run on March 2, Sunday in support for our Community Volunteers Youth.

In order for our social service projects that we have been conducting for years together with our youth, who are our biggest and most valuable resource for social development and change, to grow and become more effective, we need to further drive support. No matter how small or big, your contribution to change the lives of our youth is precious: For one Community Volunteer Youth to receive all social responsibility project trainings 90 TL is needed.

With your support, my dream and goal is to create funds for ‘One Young Person’ per each 100 m-stretch that I run, and thereby contribute to the education of more than 200 young people when I reach the finish line of the half marathon. I would appreciate it very much if you supported the “100 meters” of this dream of mine.

Bank: Garanti Bank
Branch Code: Bağlarbaşı Branch (422)
Account Number: 6295999
IBAN: TR78 0006 2000 4220 0006 2959 99
Account Holder: Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (Community Volunteers Foundation)

For online donations; https://tog.org.tr/bagis_206

Please do not forget to write ‘AAO MEHMET PEKARUN – OWN NAME AND SURNAME’ in the ‘description’ field when you are sending your donation. Then I can follow up with your donation, and make sure that you have received your certificate.

Thank you very much for your support in advance!

Kind regards,

Mehmet N.Pekarun

*What does TOG do?
It helps disadvantaged young people to approach problems around them in a solution-oriented manner by creating opportunities for their education; supports social responsibility projects; and provides opportunities for young people in different cities to work together. It lends them a new perspective of the world by empowering them; raises their awareness; and supports them as they discover themselves, and build self-confidence to solve their problems. The goal here is to contribute to the formation of a self-confident, entrepreneurial and conscious youth that can find solutions to problems in their environment.

Why Support the Youth?
  • There are 12.5 million young people between the ages of 15 and 24 living in Turkey, and they constitute 18% of the population.
  • We assume that all youth are students, however, currently 30% of them are in education, 30% are in employment, and 40% are neither in education nor in employment.
  • In the last 4 years, young people constituted 45% of internal migrants in Turkey, which makes them the largest group among internal migrants.
  • Youth unemployment is at least twice as much as adult unemployment. It is currently at around 25%.
  • Only 69% of youth in secondary school age are in schools. Turkey is ranking last among OECD countries.
  • A mere 5% of young people are member of a non-governmental organization; the same rate in the Netherlands for instance is about 60%.
  • They can vote at 18, but they can only be elected as MPs when they are 25. Therefore, they can voice their issues in the Parliament through intermediaries only.
  • The government’s spending for youth in 2012 was 2.15% of the GDP.

For more information you can visit www.adimadim.org and www.tog.org.tr